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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Is Planet X?

This seems like a good place to start, since it has become apparent to me in my day to day dealings with people that a great many of us have never heard of it. Evidently, these folks have never even encountered the rumor that there is a large unknown object on an oblong orbit around our Sun, that scientists believe is actually part of our solar system. This object, which has been dubbed "Planet X", is said to be responsible for the extreme weather phenomena in recent years. It is also hypothesized that Planet X could have been the cause of the Great Flood of long ago, and perhaps even the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Naturally, even among those in the know on the subject, there are skeptics. To those individuals, I will simply pose a few questions... First, why did the ancient Maya claim to have knowledge a large planetary object that they referred to as 'The Destroyer'? Second why do the ancient Sumerian people have artifacts with depictions of a solar system that looks identical to our own, yet show an additional planet that they call 'Nibiru'? And third, why would the National Science Foundation (NSF) spend $150 million dollars to build a high powered telescope at the South Pole which they rushed to complete by 2007 unless they a) felt that they had something to look for and b) believed that Antarctica was an ideal place to view it?

The answers to these questions and others form a strong argument in favor of the idea that Planet X is in fact real. And that the powers that be are aware of its existence and are attempting to make preparations for its impending arrival. Yet as evidenced by their obvious disinformation campaigns, they are adamant about keeping the masses in the dark. At least until the very last minute. But we can change that by exploring facts past and present.

The ancient Maya kept records of a large celestial body which they called 'The Destroyer'. Most researchers of the topic agree that the Destroyer and Planet X are one in the same. According to a key Mayan artifact, the Dresden Codex, this object travels in a 3600 year orbit around our Sun. The Maya are well known for their meticulous forecasting of cosmic events. The Mayan Calendar has accurately predicted every Solar and Lunar eclipse to within seconds since its origination at around 3114BC. This we know from modern computer programs that can be used to back date the night sky. Not bad for a civilization which existed thousands of years ago.

Mayan astronomical accounts say that the next passing of 'The Destroyer', will also coincide with a rare stellar event. What they speak of is a planetary alignment that only occurs once ever 26,000 years. This will take place when Planet X reaches its orbital perigee. That is, at its closest position to our Sun and neighboring planets. At that time, 'The Destroyer' along with our Earth, Moon, Sun and the other planets in our solar system will align with the center of the Milky Way - the galaxy in which we reside.

The Maya describe the Destroyer as a reddish disk with gaseous wings when seen in the sky. The date upon which the Mayan calendar predicts that the next passage of Planet X along with this rare stellar alignment will occur also happens to be the same day that the calendar ends. That date is December 21, 2012. This is the real reason that this date has become such a hot topic. It's not because of the recent movie which barely touched on any of the facts mentioned here.

Incidentally, the image of a reddish disc with wing like appendages - especially if those wings were tapered - could easily be construed as a head with horns. This might explain renditions of 'The Devil' that have passed down to this day. Yet this is hardly a lone example of a Biblical concept being mirrored astronomically. The story of the Nativity tells us that Jesus - the Son of God - was born under a star. The star referred to was and still is the brightest in our sky. It resides in the constellation Sirus, and is known as Sirius A. There is also a slightly dimmer star in that constellation known as Sirius B. Yet some skywatchers believe that there is a third star in Sirius, dimmer still, known as Sirius C. Sirius C is also called the 'Dark Star'. The Dark Star, also known as Sirius C, could very well be Planet X, or what the Sumerians called 'Nibiru'.

The ancient Sumerian civilization is the oldest one of which we are aware. They were a highly advanced culture, and are credited with the first known form of writing, called cuneiform. The Sumerians were also advanced in science, mathematics and artistry. The Sumerian civilization dates back at least 7000 years to 5000BC. Yet many Sumerian artifacts remain fairly well preserved to this day. Most notable are their tablet carvings and cylinder seals. These cylinder seals can be rolled in soft clay to produce relief images.

Sumerian cylinder seals show a solar system that is identical to our own, except for the inclusion of an additional planetary object. Archeologists have been able to decipher the inscriptions and symbology on many Sumerian tablets and cylinder seals. And we now know that the Sumerians called this 12th planet 'Nibiru'. Many of these archaeologists believe Nibiru and Planet X to be one in the same. The Sumerians considered the Sun and Moon to be planets as well. Hence the number 12.

Furthermore, Pluto - no longer fitting the description of a planet, but which we considered our 9th planet until 2006 when the definition of a planet was changed - was not discovered by modern astrophysicists until 1930. Yet the Sumerians knew not only of Pluto's existence, but of its orbital hierarchy as far back as the 5th millennium BC. Doesn't it stand to reason that if the Sumerians knew more about our solar system than we did regarding that planet, that the same would apply for Nibiru?

Sumerian artifacts also show depictions of a disc with wings. The Sumerian god Ashur is typically shown inside the disc in these clay carvings. According to archaeological findings, the Sumerians claim that the god Ashur was the father of a being called Anu. Sumerian cuneiform states that the inhabitants of planet Nibiru are known as the Anunnaki.

For the record, the region that was known as Sumer was located in an area called Mesapotamia. Mesapotamia when translated, means 'the land between two rivers'. Those rivers were / are the Tigris and the Euphrates. On a modern map, this area lies smack in the middle of none other than the country of Iraq. I'll resist the temptation to digress on a geopolitical tangent regarding this locale and its current relevance. Yet it is somewhat remarkable that Meggido, the very place in which Armageddon is supposed to take place (as well as the town that the word 'armageddon' comes from) is also in Iraq. And that the major world powers are occupying that location at this very moment - all at a time when the prophecies in the Book of Revelation are practically unfolding line by line; the Polar Ice Caps are melting, Hurricane Katrina, AIDS, H1N1 Virus, the Indonesia Tsunami, Earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, California Brush Fires, etc. I mean, why buy a telescope at a time like this? The problems appear to be down here, not up there. Let's see if we can answer that one.

The South Pole Telescope (SPT) was recently completed in 2007. It was funded by the National Science Foundation, and cost $150 million dollars to complete. Construction took place from 2006 to 2007. Just one year. That's pretty fast for a project of this magnitutude and sensitivity. Especially in a harsh environment like the South Pole. It seems like someone was in a hurry.

The SPT is a Radio Frequency (RF) telescope that operates in the 70GHZ - 300GHZ range. The super high frequencies that this receiver is designed to pick up are susceptible to interference and distortion from solar radiation swings and water vapor. the South Pole is therefore an ideal location to place this sensitive listening device. The sun in Antarctica hardly rises or sets. Its radiation is therefore fairly stable. Meanwhile, the elevation at the South Pole - 1.7 miles above sea level - also serves to minimize anomalies from things like water vapor and clouds.

The SPT's stated purpose is to, get this, 'listen for distant clusters of galaxies'. Give me a break! Listening for distant twinkles?! At a time when our problems are so tangible right here on Earth?! Even the United States wouldn't squander money like that. suffice it to say that if no executives were able to use the $150 million to take bonuses with, then the SPT must be pretty serious.

So serious in fact, that there are reportedly secretive groups who visit the South Pole site, gather data, and leave with out a word. What's so secret and urgent about remote galactic clusters that are probably thousands of lightyears away? I don' buy it. I believe that the SPT was built for the specific purpose of tracking Nibiru and attempting to determine the time of arrival to it's orbital perigee.

The fact is, a large planetary body like a brown dwarf star for example, would be massive enough to upset our solar equilibrium. Scientists have gone on record stating that things such as increased solar flare activity would be a given should such an object travel too close to our Sun. Increased solar flare activity would readily explain global warming and the extreme meteorological events that have taken place over the last few years. Another side effect of a large planetary or external solar flyby would be a polar shift here on earth. The topic of Earth Polar Shift has all of a sudden become highly talked about among astrophysicists. And understandably so. Since a very slight shift in the position of the Earth's poles would be enough to cause an Extinction Level Event. So perhaps the name 'Destroyer' is a fitting one. I suggest we keep our eyes peeled. Though not that it would do much good.

In any case, it appears that the National Security Agency (NSA), or whatever secret service people are making regular visits to the SPT site, are doing so for that exact purpose. To watch and listen for an large stellar object that is no doubt approaching. If and when they decide make the public aware of their findings is uncertain at best. Therefore we have to do our own watching.

That is the purpose of this blog. To expose the truth about Planet X aka Nibiru aka the Destroyer. And see if we can figure out how to survive what seems to be an impending flyby. Because too many factors indicate that Nibiru is real, and it is moving closer to us by the minute.

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